While Fuadi goes to bed every night thinking about ways to export coffee from Thailand, Jane, his business partner, wonders how to make processes more efficient. Their vision and unwavering belief are making Beanspire a strong company. They love their country, its nature, and its culture; they are true believers that, through coffee, a better world is possible. To bring this into action every day on the field takes a lot of courage, patience, and hard work. It sometimes requires a great deal of resilience, particularly while dealing with the big industries and their questionable ethics. Jane travels around the Golden Triangle, amongst farms and villages, collecting the coffee they later mill.
Catuai, Typica and Chiang Mai
1200-1400 meters above sea level
Fully Washed: after going through a wet fermentation process for 12-24 hours, the pulped coffee was soaked in fresh water for another 12 hours; dried in bamboo raised beds and greenhouses for 15 to 20 days. This coffee is shipped in a triple layered bag: a cotton bag in the outer layer, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) in the middle layer, and Grain Pro in the innermost layer.